Get Localized
Video Games to Markets. Faster.

Collaborative technology and AI-assisted translation are the future of localization. Alocai seamlessly integrates video game-specific Machine Translation with the limitless potential of Generative AI through ModelWiz, our specialized AI Translation technology.

By harnessing the power of ModelWiz and the collaborative tools provided by the Alocai Platform, we assist businesses in streamlining localization processes with efficiency and innovation.

Explore Alocai and ModelWiz

Enhance the value of your localization projects with our industry-specialized technology designed to improve collaboration among managers, translators, and game developers. Along with the ModelWiz plugin for memoQ, our platform features a powerful Q&A system, prompts and glossaries integration, dashboards, chat rooms, files repository, and more.

Trusted by hundreds of active customers, Alocai it's a proven toolset for project success.

For the Industry. By the Industry.
Spiral Hero Image

Why Alocai?
Reach more markets. Reach more players.

Faster to Market

Alocai is dedicated to minimizing human effort through its innovative management toolkit and AI technology, facilitating seamless collaboration among stakeholders.

This unique combination of Alocai's technology enables localized content to be delivered up to 80% faster than traditional translation processes.

High Quality

ModelWiz's distinctive technology is crafted to empower localization teams with top-tier, project-specific translation.

Elevate your AI translation quality to its peak by integrating customized models, glossaries, and prompts specific to your projects and languages.


Take control of who access what and ensure secure connections within your teams or simply decide if your teams should connect anonymously.

Whether utilizing ModelWiz AI translation or the Platform toolset, rest assured that we adhere to the highest security standards and data privacy policies to keep your data safe.

For the Video Game Industry

AAA & Indie Game Companies

Localization Service Providers



A New Way To Work

Get Content to Market. Faster.

Alocai's leverages gaming-specific AI technologies and workflow optimization tools to get your content to market faster.

Trusted by 100+ partners

17Bit Logo

“It keeps everything clean and easy instead of digging through emails and attachments to find previously shared documents”

Raj Joshi


Lab123 Logo

Platform with Good UI, Very User-Friendly backed up by a solid support from the team.

Filip Stanev

LiveOps Specialist

Deca Games
Lab123 Logo

"The platform is very easy to use, giving me a very good overview (projects, contacts, languages, etc.), and it is much nicer and cleaner instead of e.g. writing emails or keeping some form of Excel lists. It adds real value to the process."

Laura Körtig

Co-founder and Producer

Skydance Logo

“Alocai is addressing what we had in mind for the future of localization.”

Nicolas Soufflet

Director of Strategic Partnerships & Sourcing

Skydance Interactive

Some of our valued partners

CCP logo
Perfect World logo
Exient Logo
Focus Logo
Bethesda Logo
Discord Logo

Let's talk about how Alocai fits your needs

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