AI Glossary Generator

Last updated on
February 27, 2024

Take advantage of the Alocai auto-generated glossary tool. Now your team can complete translations faster while simultaneously enhancing accuracy. With the Alocai Glossary Generator, we help you get up to speed with recommended terminology extracted from your localization source files and avoid starting your projects from an empty Term Base.

There are 3 requirements for creating a glossary:

  • Be registered with a Management Account on the Alocai platform

Client and Vendor Portals cannot access this tool.

  • Create a project
  • Upload your files to the Project Files repository

At the moment the tool supports .xlsx and .csv formats only.

The next users from the Management Account can access the Glossary Generator:

  • Admin
  • Project Manager
  • Linguistic Coordinator
  • Linguist

The Glossary Generator consists of 4 simple steps:

  1. Select the files from which you want to extract terms
  2. For spreadsheet format files, select the column that contains the source content
  3. Confirm or adjust the criteria to follow to extract terms. We already provide some options pre-selected by default
  4. Wait for the extraction of terms, and download your file with the new terms!
  5. The new glossary will be stored in the AI-Generated repository from where you will be able to download or delete it

💭 The Glossary Generator is in its 1.0 stage and Alocai will be improving the experience using it to help your localization workflow even further!

Reporting a bug

If you encounter a bug, please report it to us using the customer support form located on the platform. Hit the Feedback button. We will be back to you as soon as we can.

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Alocai Platform - Generative AI

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