Managing glossaries with ModelWiz

Last updated on
March 28, 2024


In the Glossaries section, you can upload, store, replace, and delete glossary files integrated into ModelWiz to align the translation with your project terminology.


Ensure the following settings are prepared:

  1. ModelWiz Dashboard: Generate at least one credential and select the languages of your project using ModelWiz.
  2. User Roles: Ensure that the user accessing the Glossaries section has one of the following roles. All users with these roles can access the Glossaries section by default:
    • Admin
    • Project Manager
    • Linguistic Coordinator

Guidelines for Preparing Your Glossary File:

  • File Formats Supported: Ensure your glossary file is in one of the following formats: .xls, .xlsx, or .csv.
  • MemoQ Compatibility: MemoQ supports these formats when exporting term bases, so compatibility should not be an issue.
  • Column Structure:
    • The first column should contain terms in the source language.
    • The second column should contain corresponding translations in the target language.
  • Additional Information: Do not include any additional information in other columns or hidden columns within the file.
  • Tabs: The file should not contain additional tabs beyond the main sheet.
  • Remove Duplicates: Ensure that duplicates are removed from the source texts to avoid any redundancy.
  • File Size Limit: The file size should not exceed 20 MB. You can include as many entries as needed within this size limit.

If your file does not meet these requirements, the upload process will display an error message. Please ensure compliance with these guidelines to prevent any issues during the upload.


Steps to Integrate Glossaries into ModelWiz:

  1. Select ModelWiz Account(s): Choose the specific ModelWiz account(s) where you want to integrate the glossary.
  2. Select Source and Target Language: By default, English is pre-selected as the source language. Choose the target language(s) for the glossary.
  3. Upload the File: Upload the glossary file in the specified format (.xls, .xlsx, .csv) following the provided guidelines.
  4. Click "Integrate": Once the file is uploaded, click the "Integrate" button to initiate the integration process.
  5. Manage Glossaries: After integration, the glossary will appear in the Integrated Glossaries table. From there, you can download, delete, or replace it as needed.

💭 Note Regarding ModelWiz Glossaries:

Please be aware that ModelWiz glossaries only support terms that exactly match your segment terms. For example, if your glossary entry for English-German is "waitlist-Warteliste," it may not match variations in plural forms within a segment like "Wartelisten" unless a separate entry exists in your glossary for the plural form.

To ensure accurate matching, it's essential to include all relevant variations of terms in your glossary entries, especially for languages with complex grammatical rules or variations in word forms. This will help optimize the effectiveness of ModelWiz glossaries in aligning translations with your project terminology.

If you encounter issues, please let us know at

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